Our gaming PR services include consulting, media communications and
result analysis tailored to your game.
Together, we work out your game’s position in the market and find the right targets in gaming, consumer and tech media.
We analyze which markets in Europe, the US, Asia and the rest of the world fit the project’s scope and get suitable partner agencies on board. We develop PR plans, taking regional specifics as well as developer and publisher needs and the game’s state of development into consideration.
We find the best PR solution for any type of game. Is it an indie game or a large project with a big publisher?
Is the game part of a series, based on a popular IP or does it try something completely new? Depending on the platforms the game will be released on, we adapt our strategy. Furthermore, we include suitable events and trade fairs into the PR plan and
develop an influencer strategy.

copyright by SNK

copyright by Daedalic Entertainment and Dark Lord
We tailor our communications strategy to the campaign’s length: No matter if it’s a last-minute launch project, a campaign spanning several months including announcement, preview and review beats, an Early Access title with various updates or a long-running “games as a service” title – we find the best solution.
We regularly touch base with our clients and partner agencies to include recent developments and needs in our PR strategy. We regularly act as lead agency coordinating international campaigns.

copyright by Hidden Fields and MMWi

copyright by Amazon Games
We have long standing relations with all relevant gaming and tech outlets and know the mainstream journalists and freelancers with an interest in gaming well. Depending on the platform, we focus on journalists in PC, console, mobile or multiplatform outlets and pitch the game to specialists in the specific genre like MMO, adventure shooter or Indie. Thanks to regular communication with tier 1 media we quickly receive valuable feedback about your game.
Depending on if you have your own in-house PR department, we write, translate and polish press releases and media alerts for important beats. Additionally, we send out interesting assets like trailers and visuals.
We come up with exclusive pitches and tailor them to fitting media, with a focus on mainstream press, TV and radio. We pitch previews and reviews to suitable media and manage distribution of keys and physical copies.
To directly present games and leave a strong and lasting impression, we organize preview and review tours, visiting important gaming media in Germany and Austria in their offices together with the developers. We also manage the booking process and press support at gaming and entertainment events and help organize virtual press events and interviews. We take care of daily communication with journalists, handle spontaneous requests and are also able to help with crisis PR if needed.
We regularly and promptly collect coverage in online and print media as well as radio and TV programs and analyze its reach and importance as well as its sentiment. We do follow ups if necessary, to secure future coverage and obtain permission to use quotes from positive articles. We regularly create overview reports presenting the big picture.

copygright by Pearl Abyss
Marchsreiter Communications GmbH
Guldeinstraße 41a
80339 Munich
Telephone:089-519 199 42
Telefax:089-520 339 393
Guldeinstraße 41, Oberbayern, Bayern, Deutschland