In addition to gaming PR, influencer management and event planning,
we offer social media support on all relevant channels.
We are also happy to take on the positioning of your company.


If your game needs social media support, we gladly take care of your German channels on Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok etc, either to support your in-house social media team or independently.
We also consult on social media strategy.

copyright by SNK
copyright by Daedalic Entertainment and Dark Lord


Apart from PR for games, we will also gladly place your company suitable media. Be it HR news, interviews or background articles, we can find the best angle to position your company within the gaming industry.

When it comes to topics that are of interest to non-gaming outlets, we find the best contacts in mainstream and business media. We can also place your story in international games industry outlets, since we know the most important B2B journalists.

copyright by Hidden Fields and MMWi
copyright by Amazon Games


Marchsreiter Communications GmbH
Guldeinstraße 41a
80339 Munich
Telephone:089-519 199 42
Telefax:089-520 339 393

2 + 7 =

Guldeinstraße 41, Oberbayern, Bayern, Deutschland