Games/Bavaria puts Bavarian games in the spotlight at gamescom 2021 with Marchsreiter

02.08.2021 | Gaming

Bavaria is home to some of the most talented game studios in Germany. Games/Bavaria is committed to establishing the Bavarian video game scene on the international games market. We are happy to be able to contribute to this by supporting Games/Bavaria in their efforts for gamescom 2021.

The line-up is really something: Young Wolf Interactive from Munich with their third-person puzzle adventure Nura’s Wish, Emergo Entertainment from Bayreuth with Fireside, a feel-good survival game and Besworn Games from Nuremberg with The Orphan: A Pop-Up Book Adventure, among others, are all taking part. In total, eight Games/Bavaria partners will present their projects at gamescom 2021.

As the fair will take place purely digitally again due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, Games/Bavaria has come up with an innovative online program: Twitch streamers from the Bavaria will present the participating games on the official Games/Bavaria account on Twitch. APEcast, HuebiTV, Zelastion and many more will be celebrating Bavarian games live.

In addition, the studios Besworn Games, Emergo Entertainment, PartTimeIndie, Wegenbartho Games and Young Wolf Interactive will be represented with their games in the #GamesBavariaBooth at the Indie Arena Booth 2021 from August 25 to 29.

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