Marchsreiter supports Thrustmaster during the launch of their new T248 racing wheel

15.06.2021 | Gaming

Hardware specialist Thrustmaster should be a household name for every gamer. Their racing wheels and flight sticks have already won countless awards. We are happy to support Thrustmaster with the launch of their latest steering wheel, the T248.

The T248 relies on the optimized HYBRID DRIVE (hybrid drive) system and combines both belt and gear mechanisms to offer unrivaled force feedback at an affordable price.

But Thrustmaster also has something up its sleeve for flight simulation enthusiasts. They can immediately take to the skies with the TCA Captain Pack – Airbus Edition. In the current version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, the device is immediately recognized automatically via plug-and-play in the game without any prior setup.

So, everyone to the simulators – whether racing or flight sim, Thrustmaster is the best choice for all areas.

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