We’re welcoming two new trainees!

02.04.2021 | Agency

There is only one thing better than a new colleague: Two new colleagues! We welcome Jenny and Kilian – both passionate gamers who will support our team starting today!

Jenny gained first experience in business journalism and with the public broadcast network funk, but she quickly left these exciting fields behind. During the study of mass media communications and public law, she immersed herself deeper in the world of video games and has since tried her hand at multiple different genres. She supports us with clients like Amazon Games, SNK, Daedalic, and Pearl Abyss.

Kilian majored in political science and communications in Munich. First, a bright future in tech- and hardware journalism at CHIP awaited him, but then again, a career focusing on hitboxes, shoulder-peeking and iframes seemed way too tempting. Kilian is now working with clients like Ferrari, Bungie, Wargaming, Crytek and more.

After the first introductory days in the office, they are now mostly working from home, as does the majority of the team. Still, we hope to soon be able to welcome them with cool drinks in a Marchsreiter team live meeting 😉.

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Telefon:089-519 199 42
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Marchsreiter Communications GmbH
Guldeinstraße 41a
DE-80339 Munich
Telefon: (+49) 89-519 199 42
Telefax: (+49) 89-520 339 393

Guldeinstraße 41, Oberbayern, Bayern, Deutschland


Marchsreiter Communications GmbH
Guldeinstraße 41a
DE-80339 慕尼黑
电话 : (+49) 89-519 199 42
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Guldeinstraße 41, Oberbayern, Bayern, Deutschland